Before jumping into any web hosting plan, you have a few things you need to consider. First off, if you can afford a web hosting plan, I strongly urge you to get one. I am not implying that all free web hosting plans out there are not good, but there are far more advantages you can gain from if you purchase a web hosting plan. But if you do not even have any budget for a web hosting plan, fret not. You can always settle for free web hosting such as WordPress and Blogger.
If you do choose to settle for a free web hosting plan, make sure that you do have plans for the future. Take for example, if your site made a name for itself and there are tons of visitors coming in each day, you would like to make some modifications to it. But free web hosting only allows limited modifications and you might not be able to modify your site into a better looking one. So, if that really happens, I suggest you start saving up now in case you need to purchase a web hosting plan in future.
Also, before you start purchasing a web hosting plan, here are a few points you need to think about:
- Hosting Location
- Disk Space
- Bandwidth
- Pricing
- Uptime, support and access speed
These are certainly the most important things that you need to check on and consider right now.
Hosting Location
This will have to depend on your target location. If you wish to target locals, you would have to find a local web hosting company. Why? This is to ensure that the visitors that visit your site are the market that you wish to target.
Disk Space
To publish your site to the world, you would need to upload some files into the host’s server. If your site isn’t too large, a size of around 50mb would definitely be more than enough for you. But if you wish to host more than 1 site, I advise you to find a plan that offers a larger amount of disk space.
This is probably the most important factor you need to consider. If you estimate that large amount of visitors will visit your site, I recommend you to get a monthly bandwidth that is around 5-10 times your disk space. If you purchase one with low bandwidth and you exceed that set limit, the web hosting company would then have to charge you for exceeding that limit.
If you are deciding to use a free web hosting plan, this factor wouldn’t be a problem to you. But if you choose to purchase a web hosting plan, take a look at the plan’s offer. If you can afford to purchase a longer time, then do so since it will be cheaper that way. Or else, just try to settle with monthly or quarterly payment.
Uptime, Support and Access Speed
Uptime is very important to people who constantly has visitors coming in from all over the world. Therefore, it is wise to look for one that has a great percentage of uptime. Most web hosting companies’ uptime is 99%. While not all of them are lies, you can do a search about this company to find out if it really is true.
After considering the above factors that I have mentioned, you are definitely ready to purchase a web hosting plan of your choice.
If you do choose to settle for a free web hosting plan, make sure that you do have plans for the future. Take for example, if your site made a name for itself and there are tons of visitors coming in each day, you would like to make some modifications to it. But free web hosting only allows limited modifications and you might not be able to modify your site into a better looking one. So, if that really happens, I suggest you start saving up now in case you need to purchase a web hosting plan in future.
Also, before you start purchasing a web hosting plan, here are a few points you need to think about:
- Hosting Location
- Disk Space
- Bandwidth
- Pricing
- Uptime, support and access speed
These are certainly the most important things that you need to check on and consider right now.
Hosting Location
This will have to depend on your target location. If you wish to target locals, you would have to find a local web hosting company. Why? This is to ensure that the visitors that visit your site are the market that you wish to target.
Disk Space
To publish your site to the world, you would need to upload some files into the host’s server. If your site isn’t too large, a size of around 50mb would definitely be more than enough for you. But if you wish to host more than 1 site, I advise you to find a plan that offers a larger amount of disk space.
This is probably the most important factor you need to consider. If you estimate that large amount of visitors will visit your site, I recommend you to get a monthly bandwidth that is around 5-10 times your disk space. If you purchase one with low bandwidth and you exceed that set limit, the web hosting company would then have to charge you for exceeding that limit.
If you are deciding to use a free web hosting plan, this factor wouldn’t be a problem to you. But if you choose to purchase a web hosting plan, take a look at the plan’s offer. If you can afford to purchase a longer time, then do so since it will be cheaper that way. Or else, just try to settle with monthly or quarterly payment.
Uptime, Support and Access Speed
Uptime is very important to people who constantly has visitors coming in from all over the world. Therefore, it is wise to look for one that has a great percentage of uptime. Most web hosting companies’ uptime is 99%. While not all of them are lies, you can do a search about this company to find out if it really is true.
After considering the above factors that I have mentioned, you are definitely ready to purchase a web hosting plan of your choice.
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