Selecting hosting for your small business web site can actually be one of the most confusing decisions that you will ever make when launching your business. Even at the risk of delaying the launch of your business it’s worthwhile to spend some time on assessing various options that are available for your Site Hosting. Let us simplify the process for you and review the basics of some of the many different options.
Shared web hosting services typically share space on the same server. Normally, all of the domains share a universal pool of resources, such as the RAM Memory, Central Processing Unit (CPU) and the Hard Drive space.
A shared space can be divided into Virtual Dedicated Servers. Each user may have administrator or root access to their own private virtual space, However, the server is still shared with other clients. Each client get their own Virtual Dedicated Space (VDS), which looks and feels like a pure dedicated server.
At the other end of the spectrum are Managed hosting services, the client has a web server, and the client has management control via various tools like Telnet or SSH or web based control panels such as WHM (Web Host Manager) or Cpanel (Control Panel). The server is leased to the client. This type of service is offered so that the client can change the configuration of the server. This flexibility is very important when you want to customize facilities in programming environments like PHP. This is also known as Dedicated hosting. Even though the client may not own the server, The Dedicated hosting service is far more private. With the dedicated hosting service, the client is responsible for the entire management and security, even though the security of the infrastructure (ie network etc) is maintained by the hosting provider. The client has full administrative control but Server administration can be requested from the hosting company as an add-on service. The client rents the server and the hosting service who owns the server may provide security for the client’s equipment, but the client is generally responsible for their own equipment and maintenance.
For Small Business Web Site Hosting It’s always important to make sure that your hosting provide is using a colocation or carrier hotel type of data center. The data center is shared among many customers, your hosting company should be one of them sharing the great capacity and bandwidth. A hosting provider who uses colocated facilities is able to pass on the cost savings, safety, speed and bandwidth enhancements to the customer. One of the most attractive aspects of this is the increased website loading speed due to the reduced traffic back-haul costs for customers.
A Reseller web hosting provides an option for the Small Business Web Site Hosting client to become the web host. The unique feature of the reseller web hosting is that an individual domain, in any of these types of web hosting solutions, can be managed and maintained.
Shared web hosting services typically share space on the same server. Normally, all of the domains share a universal pool of resources, such as the RAM Memory, Central Processing Unit (CPU) and the Hard Drive space.
A shared space can be divided into Virtual Dedicated Servers. Each user may have administrator or root access to their own private virtual space, However, the server is still shared with other clients. Each client get their own Virtual Dedicated Space (VDS), which looks and feels like a pure dedicated server.
At the other end of the spectrum are Managed hosting services, the client has a web server, and the client has management control via various tools like Telnet or SSH or web based control panels such as WHM (Web Host Manager) or Cpanel (Control Panel). The server is leased to the client. This type of service is offered so that the client can change the configuration of the server. This flexibility is very important when you want to customize facilities in programming environments like PHP. This is also known as Dedicated hosting. Even though the client may not own the server, The Dedicated hosting service is far more private. With the dedicated hosting service, the client is responsible for the entire management and security, even though the security of the infrastructure (ie network etc) is maintained by the hosting provider. The client has full administrative control but Server administration can be requested from the hosting company as an add-on service. The client rents the server and the hosting service who owns the server may provide security for the client’s equipment, but the client is generally responsible for their own equipment and maintenance.
For Small Business Web Site Hosting It’s always important to make sure that your hosting provide is using a colocation or carrier hotel type of data center. The data center is shared among many customers, your hosting company should be one of them sharing the great capacity and bandwidth. A hosting provider who uses colocated facilities is able to pass on the cost savings, safety, speed and bandwidth enhancements to the customer. One of the most attractive aspects of this is the increased website loading speed due to the reduced traffic back-haul costs for customers.
A Reseller web hosting provides an option for the Small Business Web Site Hosting client to become the web host. The unique feature of the reseller web hosting is that an individual domain, in any of these types of web hosting solutions, can be managed and maintained.
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