If you are looking for an exceptional web hosting company but on a strict budget then please read this document. There is a lot to be said for cheap web hosting, even if you have heard otherwise, there are some excellent services that will not break the bank. We hope to discuss a a few key factors for choosing the best cheap hosting company, and other facts.
We feel the first thing you should do is determine how much you wish to spend. Contrary to popular belief, you can get excellent hosting packages for under $7 a month, which will have adequate disk storage, bandwidth, add-ons and impressive customer support, and also other options. You should make sure the hosting or package you choose is going to be sufficient for what your objectives are, below are some ideas on things you should consider and use as a guide whilst researching.
Reputation – This is quite possibly one of the most important factors you should take into consideration. Visit some web hosting forums, and even web hosting review sites. You can get a lot of good and bad information about a company through this method. We advise that you use Google or Yahoo and enter a search this way “FatCow Review” or “Hostmonster Review” or “Review HostGator”.
Reliability – This goes without needing too much discussion. Basically if your website is down, slow or showing errors, visitors are just not likely to visit again, which in turn will ruin your web business.
Support – You want to feel at ease knowing someone is there when you require them. Determine the business hours. Billing typically can wait, however, if your site is down, or your email stops working, you need a technician to be able to assist you to at all times.
It is wise to ask the hosting company for their zip file run a a speed test on their line. You should try this test a couple of times at different hours, and during peak times. It is crucial that you will not get put on a node which is oversold. This relates to the reliability factor.
Finally, find out if the company has a money back guarantee. Many reputable cheap web hosting companies will offer a 10 to 30 day money back guarantee if you are dissatisfied. This time frame will give you the opportunity to test drive the service and be sure it meets the criteria you are seeking.
In general you should not have any problem choosing the best cheap hosting company as long as you do a bit of research before purchasing. Be sure you use the few tips we talked about above, and be aware of what others state about the provider.
We feel the first thing you should do is determine how much you wish to spend. Contrary to popular belief, you can get excellent hosting packages for under $7 a month, which will have adequate disk storage, bandwidth, add-ons and impressive customer support, and also other options. You should make sure the hosting or package you choose is going to be sufficient for what your objectives are, below are some ideas on things you should consider and use as a guide whilst researching.
Reputation – This is quite possibly one of the most important factors you should take into consideration. Visit some web hosting forums, and even web hosting review sites. You can get a lot of good and bad information about a company through this method. We advise that you use Google or Yahoo and enter a search this way “FatCow Review” or “Hostmonster Review” or “Review HostGator”.
Reliability – This goes without needing too much discussion. Basically if your website is down, slow or showing errors, visitors are just not likely to visit again, which in turn will ruin your web business.
Support – You want to feel at ease knowing someone is there when you require them. Determine the business hours. Billing typically can wait, however, if your site is down, or your email stops working, you need a technician to be able to assist you to at all times.
It is wise to ask the hosting company for their zip file run a a speed test on their line. You should try this test a couple of times at different hours, and during peak times. It is crucial that you will not get put on a node which is oversold. This relates to the reliability factor.
Finally, find out if the company has a money back guarantee. Many reputable cheap web hosting companies will offer a 10 to 30 day money back guarantee if you are dissatisfied. This time frame will give you the opportunity to test drive the service and be sure it meets the criteria you are seeking.
In general you should not have any problem choosing the best cheap hosting company as long as you do a bit of research before purchasing. Be sure you use the few tips we talked about above, and be aware of what others state about the provider.
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