Cheap web hosting is one thing every website owner wants to have, and there are quite a number of companies willing to take on that responsibility for prices starting as low as $3.95 a month. Most web hosting firms charge more than that, so the $3.95 might well be termed discount web hosting. Some research will obviously be required on the part of the website owner to determine which of the many companies offering web hosting will be most beneficial. A good host will allow regular changes to the content of the website to keep it from becoming "old hat" and stale. Fresh material keeps visitors to the site coming back. For a business trying to sell a product this is particularly important, and there should be no extra fees for updating a site. When a website is down, business comes to a halt, so one important topic to discuss with a potential web host is the amount of down time they experienced over the previous months. The number should be low. The next question should...